Join over 8000 people from around the world who have enrolled in a Less course. Truly understand what it means to learn for less.

Offering hands on, in depth, project based courses in Product Design, UI, JavaScript, WordPress and JAMStack Web Development.

"I was able to UNDERSTAND hosting and domain, finally! Also, got a free hosting (land) set up so I can set up a theme!"

- Michael Brake

Course: Critical Web Dev Skills & Tools for the Non-Tech Hustler

Less Academy

Hi, I’m Shingai Munyuki

A professional UI designer in front end developer with more than 8 years in the industry. 

Working with a multitude of small to medium-sized businesses, understanding their end-to-end online technical problems has helped me build online platforms that companies run their businesses on both in development and UI product design.

Over the years I've learned how to identify and be proactive in solving potential problems that will arise in your online digital systems, which will cost you in money and time over the long run.